The Time Has Come to Remember the Sacred Mysteries of Birth Through the Deep Truth of Real Wisdom Keepers

The Sacred Birth Certificate is an Online Training Program That Helps Midwives and Birth Workers Serve Women More Authentically, and Pregnant Women and Mothers Be Seen and Heard in the Deep Initiation of Birth

There is no shortcut to "knowing," it must be experienced, heard or felt...

From: Maryn Green Co-Founder
Indie Birth Mystery School

The last year or so has brought more existential questions into my head and heart.

I’ve grappled with midwifery, and how to deal with the skills based, head based “profession”, unsustainable job that it’s become. 

I’ve experienced my own losses, in pregnancy, with clients, in friendships and in watching “the old ways” of life just fall away.  I’ve come up with more questions than I have answers.

  • What is the point of life?
  • What IS pregnancy and birth REALLY?
  • Why do women need midwives? Or do they?
  • What do we actually know about how Souls get here, or when they choose to leave?
  • What were the ancient ceremonies around conception and birth?

And…what am I being asked to help bring to the world to further our spiritual evolution?

I realized that I was searching for life wisdom, and what I had chosen (in the past) to see about birth was severely limiting me and contributing me to my total dissatisfaction with the entire system…even of holistic or undisturbed  birth, even of radical midwifery.

I got tired of the answers that are given, and they began to make me question the authenticity of everything. I began to doubt the integrity of everything I have learned.

The answers aren’t new and they aren’t old.

The answers that we are looking for right now come from sage people that are carrying this Light knowledge and from our inner selves.  And sometimes both as we weigh this outside wisdom with ourselves.

There is no shortcut to “knowing”; it must be experienced.  heard, or felt and then it must resonate deeply within our cells.  That is the truth of being human.  We know when we know.

The experiences of conception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood are sacred when we acknowledge that we cannot understand them, really, but we can feel resonance with beliefs, ideas, and concepts that bring us closer to the Truth. 

What if everything you have been taught about these rites of passages was false? What if much of what you learned turned out to be a programmed set of limitations?

This last year has shown me that there is more.  There is another path, another way and it is deep.

Rather than accept the mediocre, mainstream teachings that we have been given about birth….what if we embraced the great unknown, and instead were guided to fill our knowledge cups with new and ancient wisdom?

“Sacred birth” means all the secrets, nooks and crannies that most haven’t explored about birth, and how these are actually life teachings.

Each initiatory process in life shows us so much more.

We birth how we live.  We live how we birth.

Nothing is unrelated on this wheel of Life. If we want birth to be sacred, we need to make life sacred again, too.


The Indie Birth Mystery School is honored, humbled and DELIGHTED to bring you this Sacred Birth Certificate program. We are excited to present the world with over 15 unique teachings from women wisdom keepers all over the world.


This is your opportunity to learn from the wisest of women; many outside the “field” of birth.  This is a chance to soak in and absorb Sacred Birth wisdom teachings from many different perspectives, at your own pace.  


I absolutely know that you will be empowered and wowed by the awe-inspiring and life-giving teachings these women will share with you.  


We know this is the (spiritual) revolution we’ve been wanting, and needing.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

Expand your seeing...deepen your knowing...become a holder of the wisdom of the ages.

You will never find real depth or deep truth in the shallow world of the "insta-famous." While the websites are pretty, the buzzwords are exciting and the endless promotion chases you every moment of your day, real wisdom is rare and priceless. True wisdom is won. It is earned. it is found on the other side of experience that comes from "walking the talk" and taking the journey through shadow, darkness and light.

Birth has been desecrated (de-sacred-ed) over time, not just by the medical industrial complex but now also by the midwifery industrial complex. The mystery has been removed and replaced by hubris. We are at a place culturally where we think we can dominate and control nature, including the pregnancy and birth processes.

These wisdom teachings are an invitation back into the mystery and our humility as women who are giving birth or women who are serving others in birth. The teaching are soft, slow and feminine. You may leave with more questions than answers, and you aren't going to get a checklist or how to guide to make your approach to birth "more sacred". You will get inspiration, insight, yes, some tools, and perhaps provocation to look at where you have turned away from the sacred in your own life, and the space within this community and this container to find the courage to turn back towards it.

We created the Sacred Birth Certificate Program for those who want the real wisdom from real masters. This program is a collection of true knowledge from wisdom keepers about the deep mysteries of birth.

Receive the Ancient Codes of Sacred Birth

Become a Valuable Support to Your Community

Move Beyond the Realm of "Birth Experts" to the Full Mystery of Birth

Meet your guides on this journey into the mysteries of birth...

We have carefully chosen a select group of wisdom keepers from all over the world to guide you on a journey to a deeper and more profound understanding of birth. The purpose of the Sacred Certificate Program is not to learn more about birth by focusing more on birth, it is to learn about the true mysteries of birth by focusing on its role in life.

To truly understand birth, you have to understand life...

We don't need more techniques, we need more wisdom. We need the secrets of the wisdom about birth that have been carried for generations. That is what the Sacred Birth Certificate Program will provide. In addition to receiving a video class taught by each guide, you'll also be directed to additional opportunities for study should you resonate with particular topics.

Inside the Biochemistry of the Mystical Experiences of Sex, Childbirth, Miscarriage and Menstruation


Nikko kennedy
Creator of Brighter Days, Darker Nights

Meeting the Great Mother: Understanding Childbirth as an Initiation


Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D.
Founding Director of the Foundation of the Sacred Stream

The Profound Connection Between Bees, Women, Pregnancy, Birth. and Postpartum


Ariella Daly
Dream Weaver and Bee Tender

The Magic of the Birth Chart - the Human Being as an Embodiment of a Very Special Moment + Energy in Time


Verena Borell
Evolutionary Astrologist

How to Make Hospital Births Sacred Experiences


Alicia Fishbein + Meredith Nelson
Founders of Intentional Birth

The Sacred Practice of Lotus Birth


Veda Ray
Founder of the Veda Revival

The Magic of Ceremonial Breathwork


midwife of healing

Let’s DeMystify Channeling and Align With Your Divine Source Connection to YourSoulSelf, Your A Team and Generation NeXt


Amber RainMa
Shamanic Priestess of MA

A Mother of 10 Tells Her Story of Embracing Birth as a Spiritual and Transformative Process


Co-Founder of Indie Birth

Journeying the Inner Realms: Parts Work and the Sacred Path of Birth


Co-Founder of Indie Birth

Birth and the Dialogue of Love: Honoring the Sacredness and Rite of Passage of Birth


Valerie Wiesner
spiritual midwife

The Ritual of Womb Connection Through Yoni Steaming


Jessica Birnbaum Pratt
feminine visionary and Community herbalist

Sacred Grief: Pregnancy Loss, Postpartum Changes, and the Transformation into Motherhood


Stacey Ramsower
somatic practitioner trained in Ayurvedic perinatal care, Somatic Experiencing, and Depth Psychology

Cause + Effect (Karma) in the Womb, Blood and Lineage


Felicia Sokol
birth doula and Mizan therapist

The Sacred Andean Ceremony of Pregnancy


Cynthia Ingar
Peruvian anthropologist (PhD) and Birth Guardian

The Sacred Ceremonies Around Conception, Pregnancy & Birth


Donna Maria Camps
holistic herbalist and traditional healer

The Indie Birth Mystery Shool:

Meet the Creators

We are mamas and birth workers who decided to do birth differently– and bring others along with us. We are kind, fun to work with, and great at (lovingly) calling people on their bullshit when necessary. With 12 children and 33 years of birth work between us, we’ve learned a thing or two along the way, and Indie Birth Mystery School is our space to share it all with you.

The Sacred Birth Certificate Program focuses on the mystery of birth and reconnecting us with the ancient knowledge required for those who are here to welcome the New Earth. We are moving beyond the world of skills and techniques into a fuller KNOWING of the mysteries of birth.

Maryn Green & Margo Blackstone

Featured in:

The Sacred Birth Certificate

Here's how it works and what you can expect...


The Indie Birth Mystery School Mug

Just because we’re learning about the profound mysteries of birth doesn’t mean we can’t have fun at the same time. As a member of the Sacred Birth  Certificate Program, you’ll receive a complimentary Indie Birth Mystery School mug!


Enroll in the Sacred Birth Certificate Program



Most flexible

2 monthly payments of

$ 409

Enroll Before 10/19/2024 and Save 50%!

$ 199

Best value

1 payment of

$ 799

Enroll Before 10/19/2024 and Save 50%!

$ 397

While the program is self-paced, access to the material will not be granted until 10/15/2024, a few days before our opening ceremony.



While are sure we will be offering this again, we do not know when or what the enrollment terms will be. This program is completely self-paced. So if this knowledge resonates with you, consider enrolling now even if you cannot go through the material during the two month timeframe. You will have lifetime access to his program.

Yes! If you were born, this is valuable knowledge we should all have about the mysteries we experienced and what they can mean for our lives.

You will have access to the program for as long as we offer it. You can review the material at any time (once you receive access) and for as many times as you need. Once you are finished with the program, should you choose, you can submit the required info to receive your Sacred Birth Certificate. 

Should you receive access to the program and discover it is not right for you, we will be happy to refund your enrollment within the first 24 hours.

Obtaining the certificate after working through the program will show women in your community that you have obtained this higher level of wisdom and allow you to stand out as someone that supports and understands the many aspects of sacred birth.

The Sacred Birth Certificate Program is separate and different from any of the other Indie Birth offerings including the Sacred Sisterhood Doula Training and the Indie Birth Midwifery School. As far as we know, this combination of presenters cannot be found anywhere else.

Yes! We have also set up a Telegram group that all enrollees may use to connect, ask questions, leave short videos and bond over the materials and topics.

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